Classical Guitar Process VII

July 5, 2020

Routed first stair step for binding around the back and front.


July 18, 2020

Glued binding and purfling to one half of the soundboard. This photo shows the tape partially removed after drying.


July 26, 2020

Cut and sanded a radius into the fingerboard at the soundhole. I looked for something circular around the house that would have the correct radius and I found a JIF peanut butter jar lid that had the exact radius to within 1/16th of an inch.


Glued the fingerboard to the neck, using a finish nail nailed into a pre-drilled hole in the neck to hold into the correct place and prevent sliding around.


August 3, 2020

Hammered in the frets. Leveled the frets using a heavy flat file. Classical guitars have virtually no radius on the fingerboard so any giant file with a good straight face can be used for leveling the frets. After leveling, did a rough re-crowning of the files but held off on final crowning and polishing until the very end of the build.
